August 2019 Prayer Partner Email: Praying Against Fear

 In Prayer Partner

Dear friends,

Over the past several weeks, news outlets have reported on issues related to immigration on a nearly-daily basis, often with the effect of generating fear within immigrant communities.

Just over two weeks ago, in my home state of Texas, an alleged terrorist drove hours from his home to El Paso with the intention of killing Mexican immigrants. Latinos throughout the U.S. – immigrants and native-born citizens alike – are understandably afraid.

In the midst of frightening times, we hold onto a repeated biblical command: “Do not fear.” It’s paired with a biblical promise: “…for I am with you… I am your God” (Isaiah 41:10).

This month, we want to ask you to be faithful in prayer, during frightening times, for those facing very genuine fears right now. We’d ask you to pray for those affected by this situation – and pray for churches throughout the U.S., that we would have the courage to firmly stand with vulnerable immigrants, even in politically polarizing times.

Thank you for joining us in prayer.

In Christ,

Dr. Gus Reyes
Chief Operating Officer, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

Director, Texas Baptists’ Christian Life Commission

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