Missouri Evangelical Leaders Call For a Vote on Immigration Reform
Local Pastors to Fly to D.C., Meet with Members of Congress Tuesday
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., APRIL 25, 2014 — Top Missouri evangelical leaders met for a press conference Thursday to highlight the biblical call to welcome the stranger and urge Congress to move forward with a vote on immigration reform.
The press conference featured local pastors who will discuss the moral imperatives for immigration reform, their efforts during the April congressional recess and their Tuesday #Pray4Reform trip to Washington, D.C., to meet with their members of Congress.
The following are quotes from pastors at Thursday’s press conference:
Noah Angel, Pastor, Familia Cristiana International:
“As Ministers and people of faith we are called to be the voice of those who have no voice and defend the rights of all who are destitute, the poor and the needy. As we continue to pray for our nation and for wisdom for the ones who are the decision makers. We also pray and move into action for a moral and dignifying solution to the immigration issue at hand. It is time to act and move forward bringing into light the lives of those who had lived in the shadows for way too long. They are real people, with the same type of dreams and aspirations as anyone else. Let’s give them a chance.”
Ken McCune, Missouri Baptist Church Planting Strategist:
“As a follower of Jesus Christ I believe His teachings on how to relate to the foreign born, and our obedience to the laws of the land as good citizens, must be taken seriously. It is in that vein that I am excited to participate with those of the Evangelical Immigration Table in proposing reasonable solutions to immigration issues in our country that demonstrate love for immigrants, benefit our country, and honor the Lord.”
Jason Schoff, Director of Latino Outreach, Mission Adelante:
“When I read the Scriptures, I see an overwhelming call from God to take care of foreigners and treat them justly. Our current immigration laws are broken and offer no compassion to vulnerable immigrants who are often fighting to provide for their families. This causes families to suffer and we must address this crucial issue now with reform instead of allowing the status quo to go on. I stand with evangelical leaders who have signed the Evangelical Immigration Table’s principles calling for reform.”
Join the conversation on Twitter using #Pray4Reform and #VoteOnReform.