Louisiana Evangelical Leaders Call For a Vote on Immigration Reform

 In Press Releases

**For a recording of Thursday’s call click here.**

NEW ORLEANS, APRIL 25, 2014 — Top Louisiana evangelical leaders joined a telephonic press call Thursday to highlight the biblical call to welcome the stranger and urge Congress to move forward with a vote on immigration reform.

On the call, local pastors discussed the moral imperatives for immigration reform, their efforts during the April congressional recess and their Tuesday #Pray4Reform trip to Washington, D.C., to meet with their members of Congress.

The following are quotes from Louisiana evangelical leaders involved in these efforts:

Wade Moody, Pastor, Iglesia VIDA Assembly of God Church, New Orleans:
“As pastors we always have to go to our Scripture, and the Scripture tells us that we must welcome the stranger among us. Immigration reform is something much greater than any political party or any type of tool to get votes. This is something to help families, to help children, to help marriages that are being destroyed. We can’t keep pushing this for another time, because the more days Congress pushes this back, the more families are being divided.”

David Epstein, President/Minister, Faith Works:
“We’re committed to business ownership for those who come to this country with a dream of a better life for their family. Not only is this how America was built, it improves the economy, adds jobs, and makes things better for everyone else too. People came here centuries ago who weren’t afraid of hard work and sacrifice, and now their grandchildren are prosperous. We can give that gift to those who come here now.”

Dr. Rick Hertless, Evangelist, Singer, Author, Radio Host of “His Gospel Power”:
“I’m an evangelist by calling, but I’m passionate about this issue of immigration because I see it affect so many lives. As evangelical leaders we’re calling for a bipartisan solution to immigration. We’re not supporting any bill, we’re not opposing any bill — that’s for our lawmakers who we elected to do. But we’re asking that they adhere to our principles of respecting the God-given dignity of every person, protecting the unity of immediate family, respecting the rule of the law, ensuring fairness to the taxpayers, and creating a path to legal status or citizenship. This issue is vital for our country and vital for Louisiana.”

Gary Maroney, Vice President, Louisiana Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists:
“Immigration is a vital issue facing our nation as well as a Scriptural issue of how we are to treat our brothers. We desire Congress to act and address this issue according to Biblical principles. As an evangelist, I see this issue affect many lives around the country. The system is broken, but if addressed and dealt with, it will affect every American citizen. That is why I am going to Washington to speak to our representatives. The time to act is now!”

Join the conversation on Twitter using #Pray4Reform and #VoteOnReform.

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