Dear friends, It has been a busy week. I began this week along the U.S.-Mexico border, visiting a church-based shelter in Mexico hosting individuals who had been waiting for an appointment to [...]
Dear friends, Part of what I love about Christmastime is the predictability. My family is big on traditions. Every year, for as long as I can remember, Christmas Eve has followed a very specific [...]
Dear friends, The book of James talks about how difficult it is to tame the tongue. While it is just a small part of the body, like a spark, it can destroy forests. Like a small rudder it can [...]
Dear friends, I’m writing from San Diego, California, where, along with a group of local pastors from my home state of Wisconsin, we will be learning about the current dynamics here along the [...]
Dear friends, I spent several weeks this summer up in my home state of Wisconsin. Given its status as a “purple” state in a contentious presidential election season, each evening, [...]
Dear friends, I recently read an essay by my friend Alberto La Rosa Rojas that has stuck in my mind. I’ve read dozens of books offering Christian perspectives on immigration, and contributed to a [...]
Dear friends, This month, we commemorated World Refugee Day. World Refugee Day is a mix of celebration, because refugees are resilient people made in God’s image who have overcome incredible [...]
Dear friends, When I graduated from high school – quite a long time ago now – someone gave me a copy of Dr. Seuss’ Oh the Places You’ll Go! The optimism of that coming-of-age moment was wrapped [...]
Dear friends, The well-known parable about the Good Samaritan is Jesus’s response to an expert in the Law who asks Jesus how he might be saved. Jesus asks him about what is written in the Law. [...]
Dear friends, On Sunday, like at churches around the world, my family was given palm fronds on the way into church, marking the beginning of Holy Week by remembering Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem [...]