Evangelical Leaders Respond To White House Immigration Framework

 In Press Releases

January 29, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today evangelical leaders issued a statement in response to the White House framework for immigration legislation.

The signatories thank President Trump for supporting an opportunity for Dreamers to earn citizenship, while also emphasizing the need for family unity, the value of existing legal immigration pathways and the importance of prioritizing a solution for Dreamers, rather than addressing too much in one bill.

The following are quotes today from Evangelical Immigration Table leaders who signed the statement:

Leith Anderson, President, National Association of Evangelicals:
“It’s time for us all to become Dreamers. It’s time for Congress to make the Dreamers have their dreams finally come true. When Congress turns DACA into law, it will be an answer to a million prayers.”

Scott Arbeiter, President, World Relief:
“I’m encouraged by the president’s call for an earned path to citizenship for Dreamers. I’m concerned by the potential for significant cuts to legal immigration options, including restrictions on existing processing to reunite immediate family members. I hope this will serve as a starting point, not the final word, from which Congress will work together on a bipartisan basis to reach a consensus.”

Shirley V. Hoogstra, President, Council for Christian Colleges and Universities:
“The White House is to be congratulated for pushing the right result for Dreamers. Christian colleges and universities are blessed by these students who love to learn, want to give back to America and show inspiring courage in the face of insecurity. We encourage Congress to reflect America’s highest ideals as they grapple with competing interests and pray that they will do so with wisdom, imagination and courage. As a grandchild of immigrants, I believe in an America that gives a hope and a future to individuals and families who desire to overcome enormous obstacles to flourish in a new country, which I believe should include, the tired, the poor, those yearning to breathe free.”

Hyepin Im, President and CEO, Faith and Community Empowerment:
“Dreamers are our investment and very much part of America. It is our loss to lose them. We pray for wisdom, fortitude and creativity for President Trump and our Congress members to find a pathway to hope and citizenship for Dreamers and safety for our country.”

Jo Anne Lyon, Ambassador, The Wesleyan Church:
“The Wesleyan Church remains committed to serving and advocating for all immigrants in our communities, including Dreamers. While we have concerns with some of the other parts of this White House framework on immigration, we are thankful to see the president’s willingness to promote a pathway to citizenship for a significant proportion of the Dreamer population. We will continue to pray for wisdom and courage for those in the administration and in Congress working on this issue.”

Dr. Russell Moore, President, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention:
“I’m pleased to see the White House offer a framework for Dreamers. I’m especially glad it outlines a path to citizenship. This is a good starting point for Congress to get to work. Our immigration system has been broken for too long, and it’s well past time to pass a permanent solution.”

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference:
“We stand at the precipice of achieving a permanent solution for Dreamers, and both sides of the immigration debate must be willing to make a compromise to get the job done. While there are certainly aspects of this proposal either party may disagree on, there is also much they can celebrate. Let us accomplish a bold and lasting solution for childhood arrivals, and yes, let us deliver enhanced border security too. In the spirit of compromise, with so many lives and families hanging in the balance, I strongly urge Congress to not let this historic opportunity slip away, but instead embrace a compromise that history will record as a righteous victory for our nation.”

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