25 Wisconsin Evangelical Leaders Sign Letter Calling For a Respectful Immigration Dialogue

 In Press Releases

Effort Precedes Tuesday’s GOP Debate

November 9, 2015

MILWAUKEE — In an open letter running online through tomorrow in the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, 25 Wisconsin pastors and other evangelical leaders call on GOP presidential candidates to address immigrants and immigration respectfully and focus on solutions.

The letter counters harsh rhetoric toward immigrants from some presidential candidates and other political leaders. It follows a similar letter from Colorado evangelical leaders on Oct. 28.

“Scripture repeatedly calls us to extend hospitality and kindness to immigrants,” the letter writers state. “As many local churches throughout our state have sought to do so, we have been blessed by the immigrants within our community, many of whom are now integral parts of our local churches.

“ … We are looking for presidential candidates who offer sensible policies on immigration that will not only secure our borders and meet the needs of our labor markets, but which also address immigrant communities with compassion.”

“We hope that the candidates will heed the urging of many Wisconsin evangelical leaders,” said Liz Dong, Midwest Regional Mobilizer for the Evangelical Immigration Table. “A civil and informed discussion on immigration will help us move forward as a country.”

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