Evangelical Call for Restitution-Based
Immigration Reform
Immigration Reform
Please join the following evangelical leaders in affirming this Evangelical Call for Restitution-Based Immigration Reform. To watch a video that explains restitution-based immigration reform, scroll to the bottom of the page or click here.
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Recently, we’ve seen renewed calls for the mass deportation of millions of immigrants living in the country unlawfully, as well as counter-calls for mass amnesty. We believe that a response to the situation of immigrants in the country unlawfully is long overdue, but should avoid either of these extremes. Instead, driven by biblical values, we believe the situation can best be resolved with a restitution-based solution that both honors the law and keeps families together.
We invite evangelical Christians to join over 5,000 others, including many prominent leaders you can see here, in adding your name affirming the statement below, which the Evangelical Immigration Table intends to release publicly and share with federal elected officials.
The problems with our broken immigration system have grown over the past 30+ years to the point that we now have millions of immigrants present unlawfully, most of whom have been here more than a decade, with millions of US citizen children and others who were brought here as children. Recognizing that past attempts to solve this growing national dilemma have failed, only causing more division and suspicion in our country, we support solutions that encompass the following goals and that honor the rule of law while addressing the economic, moral, humanitarian and security issues arising from this problem in a fair way.
As evangelical Christians, our approach to immigration policy is driven by biblical principles. We believe that each person is made in God’s image and so should be treated humanely; that God has ordained the role of civil government, including the responsibility to protect the safety of citizens, maintain order and respect the rule of law, which is diminished when laws are violated without consequence; that because God created the family unit, governments should not violate the unity of the family except in the rarest of circumstances; that God is concerned with the wellbeing of those who are vulnerable, including the orphan, the widow and the foreigner, and it is appropriate for citizens to encourage our government to treat these vulnerable groups with fairness and compassion; and that God delights in redemption, when those who have violated the law are able to be restored.
Guided by these biblical teachings, we urge our elected officials to act in ways guided by the following principles:
- We support solutions to the problem of immigrants being in our country illegally that strengthen the rule of law while making both the law and its enforcement more responsive to our needs and values. We recognize that the law has in many cases not worked well, has been inconsistently enforced, and has been violated both by the immigrants present without authorization and by the employers who employ them without authorization.
- We support a process of restitution (not amnesty) where violation of law is admitted to and significant fines/penalties are paid by immigrants (in installments over a period of seven years) who came illegally (or overstayed a visa) as adults, leading to a pathway to Legal Permanent Residency if qualifications are met.
- Immigrants who were brought to the US unlawfully or overstayed a visa as children (Dreamers) would go through a process where they can get onto a pathway to Legal Permanent Residency if qualifications are met.
- We encourage fairness to taxpayers by requiring that all immigrants be self-sufficient, work, pay taxes, and be productive, or be in families and households that are doing so.
- We encourage our government to establish a secure border and an efficient and orderly process of immigration.
We believe that a solution to the problem of illegal immigration is long overdue. Deporting all immigrants here in the country illegally is neither feasible nor morally just. Immigrant families are integral parts of our communities, and children have been born and raised here who are US citizens. Many immigrant families have been here for decades, and many are members of local churches. We must develop a solution that fits the problem we have, solves it by upholding the rule of law, creates a process of restitution, and gives the possibility of integration so immigrants can fully participate in American life.
- Myal Greene, President & CEO, World Relief
- Shirley Hoogstra, President, Council for Christian Colleges and Universities
- Hyepin Im, President & CEO, Faith and Community Empowerment
- Walter Kim, President, National Association of Evangelicals
- Brent Leatherwood, Acting President, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
- Russell Moore, Public Theologian and Director, Christianity Today’s Public Theology Project
- Chris Palusky, President & CEO, Bethany Christian Services
- Gabriel Salguero, President, National Latino Evangelical Coalition
- Wayne Schmidt, General Superintendent, The Wesleyan Church
- Eddy Aleman, General Secretary, Reformed Church of America
- Paul Baxley, Executive Coordinator, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
- Doug Clay, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God USA
- Steven Cole, Executive Director, The Brethren Church
- Gustavo Crocker, General Superintendent, Church of the Nazarene
- Todd Fetters, Bishop, Church of the United Brethren in Christ
- Jo Anne Lyon, General Superintendent Emerita, The Wesleyan Church
- Kevin Kompelien, President, Evangelical Free Church of America
- Steve Timmermans, Executive Director, Christian Reformed Church of North America
- John Wenrich, President, Evangelical Covenant Church
- Matthew Whitehead, Lead Bishop, Free Methodist Church – USA
- Danny Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC)
- Bruce Ashford, Provost/Dean of Faculty, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC)
- Jay Barnes, President, Bethel University (St. Paul, MN)
- Michael Beals, President, Vanguard University (Costa Mesa, CA)
- Gayle Beebe, President, Westmont University (Santa Barbara, CA)
- Dan Boone, President, Trevecca Nazarene University (Nashville, TN)
- John Bowling, President, Olivet Nazarene University (Bourbonnais, IL)
- Amy B. Carey, President, Friends University (Wichita, KS)
- Joseph Castleberry, President, Northwest University (Kirkland, WA)
- Gregg A. Chenoweth, President, Bethel University (Mishawaka, IN)
- Greg Christy, President, Northwestern College (Orange City, IA)
- Dean Collins, President, Point University (West Point, GA)
- Alan Cureton, President, University of Northwestern (Roseville, MN)
- Jules Glanzer, President, Tabor College (Hillsboro, KS)
- Kent Ingle, President, Southeastern University (Lakeland, FL)
- John Jackson, President, William Jessup University (Rocklin, CA)
- Max Lucado, Teaching Pastor and Author, Oak Hills Church (San Antonio, TX)
- Ronald Matthews, President, Eastern University (St. Davids, PA)
- Shirley Mullen, President, Houghton College (NY)
- Keith Newman, President, Southern Nazarene University (Bethany, OK)
- Sheldon C. Nord, President, Corban University (Salem, OR)
- David W. Olive, President, Bluefield College (VA)
- Charles W. Pollard, President, John Brown University (Siloam Springs, AR)
- Jeren Rowell, President, Nazarene Theological Seminary (Kansas City, MO)
- Philip Ryken, President, Wheaton College (IL)
- Ed Stetzer, Dean of School of Mission, Ministry, and Leadership, Wheaton College (IL)
- Joseph Stowell, President, Cornerstone University (Grand Rapids, MI)
- Walter Strickland, Vice President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC)
- Ron White, President, Emmanuel College (Boston, MA)
- G. Craig Williford, President, Multnomah University (Portland, OR)
- William M. Wilson, President, Oral Roberts University (Tulsa, OK)
- Joseph Womack, President, Northwest Christian University (Eugene, OR)
- Adam Wright, President, Dallas Baptist University (TX)
- Mark Young, President, Denver Seminary (CO)
- Claude Alexander, Senior Pastor, The Park Church (Charlotte, NC)
- Thabiti Anyabwile, Pastor, Anacostia River Church (Washington, DC)
- Brian Aulick, Lead Pastor, Engedi Church (Holland, MI)
- Luis Avila, National Director of Hispanic Ministries, International Pentecostal Holiness Church (Oklahoma City, OK)
- Bart Barber, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church (Farmersville, TX)
- Kenton Beshore, Pastor Emeritus, Mariners Church (Corona del Mar, CA)
- Marshall Blalock, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church (Charleston, SC)
- Rick Callahan, Mission Mobilization Pastor, The Chapel (Grayslake, IL)
- Darren Carlson, Lead Pastor, Evangelical Free Church of Bozeman (Bozeman, MT)
- Preston Clegg, Pastor, Second Baptist Church (Little Rock, AR)
- Joe Coffey, Lead Pastor, Christ Community Chapel (Hudson, OH)
- Beth Cossin, Network Pastor, The Wesleyan Church (Moline, IL)
- Eric Costanzo, Pastor, South Tulsa Baptist Church (OK)
- Scott Dudley, Senior Pastor, Bellevue Presbyterian Church (WA)
- Matt Erickson, Senior Pastor, Eastbrook Church (Milwaukee, WI)
- Dave Ferguson, Pastor, Community Christian Church (Naperville, IL)
- Micah Fries, Senior Pastor, Brainerd Baptist Church (Chattanooga, TN)
- Eric Geiger, Senior Pastor, Mariners Church (Irvine, CA)
- Derwin Gray, Lead Pastor, Transformation Church (Indian Land, SC)
- Lee Heyward, Senior Pastor, Elmbrook Church (Brookfield, WI)
- Dale Hummel, Senior Pastor, Wooddale Church (Eden Prairie, MN)
- Dean Inserra, Senior Pastor, City Church (Tallahassee, FL)
- Tyler Johnson, Lead Pastor, Redemption Church (Phoenix, AZ)
- Reid Kapple, Pastor, Christ Community Olathe (Olathe, KS)
- Rob Ketterling, Senior Pastor, River Valley Church (Minneapolis, MN)
- Rob King, Senior Pastor, Vineyard Cincinnati (OH)
- Ed Litton, Senior Pastor, Redemption Church (Saraland, AL)
- Max Lucado, Teaching Minister, Oak Hills Church (San Antonio, TX)
- Kevin McBride, Pastor, Raymond Baptist Church (Nottingham, NH)
- James Merritt, Senior Pastor, Cross Church (Duluth, GA)
- Matt Miller, Pastor, Woodland Presbyterian Church (Memphis, TN)
- Rich Nathan, Senior Pastor, Vineyard Columbus (OH)
- Ray Ortlund, Founding Pastor, Immanuel Church (Nashville, TN)
- Vance Pittman, Senior Pastor, Hope Church (Las Vegas, NV)
- Bob Roberts, Senior Pastor, Northwood Church (Keller, TX)
- Jimmy Scroggins, Lead Pastor, Family Church (Palm Beach, FL)
- Scott Seaton, Senior Pastor, Emmanuel Presbyterian Church (Arlington, VA)
- Gary Shultz, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Tallahassee (Tallahassee, FL)
- Christine Suh, Pastor of Spiritual Formation, Fellowship Monrovia (CA)
- Tish Harrison Warren, Author and Priest, Anglican Church in North America (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Jay Wolf, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church (Montgomery, AL)
- Bryant Wright, Senior Pastor, Johnson Ferry Baptist Church (Marietta, GA)
- Lawrence Yoo, Lead Pastor, Waypoint Church (Chapel Hill, NC)
- Quina Aragon, Author, Living Faith Bible Fellowship
- James Barnes, President, Christian College Consortium
- S. Douglas Birdsall, Honorary Chair, The Lausanne Movement
- Eugene Cho, Author and Founder, One Day’s Wages
- Justin Giboney, Co-founder and President, AND Campaign
- Oshebar Hardman, Vice President of Outreach, AND Campaign
- Skye Jethani, President, Measure the Clouds Ministries
- Carmen LaBerge, Radio Show Host, Reconnect with Carmen Radio Show
- Carl Nelson, President, Transform Minnesota
- Agustin Reyes, Director, Christian Life Commission
- Jesse Rincones, President, Hispanic Baptist Convention of Texas
- Samuel Rodriguez, President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
- Elia Romeno, Executive Director, Texas Christian Community Development Network
- Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel
- Jill Stoltzfus, Executive Director, Association for a More Just Society
**Institutional affiliation is provided for identification purposes only.**