I Was a Stranger Challenge for Presidential Candidates

Please add your name to this public letter inviting presidential candidates to commit to considering what the Bible says related to immigration:

Dear presidential candidates,

Immigration is certainly a political, social and economic issue, but it is also a deeply biblical one. While the Scriptures do not provide a specific policy prescription, as Christians for whom God’s Word is our highest authority, we believe that biblical principles can and should guide both how we interact with our immigrant neighbors and how we approach immigration policy. We hope you will consider this biblical wisdom as well.

The “I Was a Stranger” Challenge is a 40-day Scripture-reading guide composed of short Bible passages that relate in one way or another to the theme of immigration. The challenge is simple: would you commit to reading one verse each day over the next forty days and prayerfully ask God to give you His heart?


Please add your name by completing the following form. The Evangelical Immigration Table will send and publicly share this letter — including names, titles, church/ministry affiliations and locations of signatories — with all presidential campaigns (in both major parties) and will highlight this invitation from Christian leaders publicly. Contact information (email and/or telephone number) will not be shared publicly but used only if the Evangelical Immigration Table organizers need to contact you with a question.

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