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While immigration is certainly a political, social and economic issue, it’s also a biblical issue. For Christians whose highest authority is God’s word, our views should be formed by what the Bible says. But research suggests that many Christians have never thought about immigration issues from the perspective of the Scriptures.
The “I Was a Stranger” Challenge is a 40-day Scripture-reading guide composed of short Bible passages that relate in one way or another to the theme of immigration. The challenge is simple: would you commit to reading one verse each day over the next forty days and to prayerfully asking God to give you His heart?
Share the “I Was a Stranger” Challenge
In a season when we are inundated with information about immigrants from a political perspective, we invite you to help remind those within your circle of influence that immigration is also a biblical issue.
Here’s how you can take the “I Was a Stranger” Challenge to the next level: each day for forty days, post one of the graphics below to your social media account(s), along with the hashtag #IWasAStranger and, perhaps, a reflection on what the particular passage means to you. You’re welcome to also point people back to this Scripture-reading plan. To post one of these graphics, simply click on the image, then copy and paste it to your desired social media platform.
To download a folder with all of the shareable graphics, click here.