February Prayer Partner: Pray and Act for Immigration Reform

 In Prayer Partner

You may have heard news reports that President Biden has proposed a new immigration reform bill to the U.S. Congress. I’m hopeful and prayerful that our elected officials will finally resolve many of the long-standing problems in the U.S. immigration system – but I also know that this will happen only if our elected leaders are willing to work together in good faith to forge bipartisan consensus that has long been elusive.

This month, I wanted to suggest three ways you could be praying and two actions you could take to stand with vulnerable immigrants.

Please join me in praying:

  1. For Members of Congress, that God would grant them wisdom to know the right approach to reform U.S. immigration laws, the humility to work together across partisan lines to forge a consensus that could actually be passed into law and the courage to support positive legislation, whether or not they are convinced it would be politically expedient.
  2. For President Biden and his administration, that they would likewise have wisdom, humility and courage both as they help to negotiate immigration policy legislation through Congress and in the various administrative decisions that affect vulnerable immigrants.
  3. For immigrants whose lives and livelihoods are directly affected by these decisions made in Washington, D.C., for whom even following news reports of the back-and-forth in political negotiations can be exhausting and anxiety-producing. Pray that God would remind each of them that, as important as these policy decisions are, their worth is defined not by a vote or decree by any politician but by the biblical truth that they have been made in God’s image and are loved by Him

Then please also consider taking one or both of these actions:

  1. Sign onto this letter to your state’s congressional delegation, urging them to forge the bipartisan consensus necessary to finally pass immigration reform — and then reach out to others in your circles to encourage them to add their names.
  2. On February 25, we’ll be setting up virtual meetings between constituents (that’s you!) and their Senators, Representatives and/or members of their staff, offering the chance to share your perspectives on immigration policy, rooted in biblical values. If you’re available to participate on February 25, please register now (or sometime before our February 4 deadline).

In Christ,

Matthew Soerens
National Coordinator, Evangelical Immigration Table


The Evangelical Immigration Table is a broad coalition of evangelical organizations and leaders advocating for immigration reform consistent with biblical values.

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