Evangelical Letters Of Support For Dreamers Draw 3,450 Signatories
Signers Hail from All 50 States and Washington, D.C.
September 14, 2017
WASHINGTON, D.C.— Thousands throughout the country agree: We need workable solutions for Dreamers in our churches and communities.
More than 3,450 pastors and evangelical leaders representing every state now have signed on to letters urging the Trump administration and members of Congress to protect Dreamers.
Leaders of the Evangelical Immigration Table initially signed the letters to the president, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) to push for a legislative solution to protect Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.
“We hope that you will work to find solutions that allow these young people to stay in our country long-term and continue to be a blessing to our communities,” they wrote. “Now is the time for bold leadership and action.”
The following are new quotes from notable signatories. Additional quotes are available here and here.
Felix Cabrera, Lead Pastor, Iglesia Bautista Central, Oklahoma City:
“Miles de nuestras iglesias en la Convención Bautista del Sur están llenas de maravillosos jóvenes que el único país que conocen es Estados Unidos de América. Sus padres los trajeron aquí cuando eran niños. Ellos no escogieron ni decidieron venir aquí, nadie les preguntó. Sin embargo, en este país se asimilaron, aprendieron el idioma, fueron a la escuela, están en la universidad y muchos se graduaron de ella y son profesionales. La inmensa mayoría están trabajando y aportando a nuestra economía y un grupo considerable pone en riesgo su vida todos los días en el ejército de los Estados Unidos, gracias al DACA.
“Ruego al Señor que los congresistas hagan lo correcto y de una vez y por todas presenten legislación para que a estos jóvenes americanos su sueño se les haga realidad.”
Joseph Castleberry, Ed.D., President, Northwest University, Kirkland, Washington:
“In its greatest moments, America has never prized a narrow, legalistic reading of laws over achieving justice. In the case of Dreamers, a bipartisan majority clearly believes justice calls for the triumph of mercy over judgment. By passing a law that provides permanent protection for Dreamers, we will take a step toward making a bitterly divided America great again.”
Micah Fries, Pastor, Brainerd Baptist Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee:
“I am glad to stand in support of Dreamers. As believers in Christ, Scripture calls us to advocate on behalf of the vulnerable and marginalized. Few are more marginalized than children who did not decide to live here, but now call this their home, and yet are powerless with respect to their citizenship and fearful of being deported to a place they have likely never known as home. We certainly need a better immigration policy in the U.S., but it must begin with a commitment to protect the children who are most vulnerable and who are already among us. The work of protecting the Dreamers necessarily falls to Congress. It is vitally important that Congress works to provide a permanent solution and that they do so in a timely manner.”
D.A. Horton, Pastor, Reach Fellowship, Long Beach, California:
“Congress passing bipartisan legislation for Dreamers to have a direct pathway for citizenship will provide them with holistic comfort in knowing the only nation they’ve ever known and embraced now knows and embraces them as family and will let the on-looking world know that in America, Dreamers are home.”
Dr. Joel C. Hunter, Pastor, Northland Church, and Chairman, Central Florida Commission on Homelessness, Casselberry, Florida:
“The president’s decision on DACA has put the issue exactly where it needs to be: with Congress. We do not need executive orders to deal temporarily with these Dreamers who are a part of our national productivity and potential; we need a permanent legal solution. Congress, please act now to keep these young people in the only country they have known.”
Kim Whetstone, Discipleship Pastor, Parkview Community Church, Glen Ellyn, Illinois:
“Congress must take action immediately to develop compassionate and comprehensive immigration legislation that reflects the nation’s firm belief in the equality of each human being and each individual’s inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and protects Dreamers now. If Congress does not act immediately, we risk losing not only a generation of Dreamers, we risk losing the American dream itself.”