Thank Governor Stitt for Welcoming Afghan Refugees to Oklahoma
Add your name to this letter thanking Governor Stitt for welcoming Afghan refugees to Oklahoma!
“Governor Stitt:
The Faith Communities of Oklahoma would like to thank you for taking a bold and courageous step, seeing beyond lines and borders (of many kinds) to make sure our doors are intentionally open to our neighbors from Afghanistan.
In our world right now, everything is dividing and separating us from each other. Decisions are viewed from political, racial, gender, religious agendas and seen as either good or bad, right or wrong. We believe there is a different way, a Jesus way of seeing our world. We are not victims of the problems in our world right now, we have a special invitation to become part of the solutions!
It has been said, ‘How we see people is how we will treat them.’ Thank you for choosing to see and respond to our Afghan neighbors and other refugees who are being forced to flee violent regimes and circumstances by welcoming them to our great state and restoring their God given dignity. It is easy to forget that we are all stitched with the same divine DNA and that above all, this is a human crisis in which we are all implicated.
As faith communities, we are honored to join with you in a collaborative effort to make sure these individuals and families are welcomed, cared for, and made to feel at home after their traumatic experiences. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus, attend to real needs and provide the emotional support that will be needed. This is our moment as a community to join together to be light in the darkness and show ourselves and our world that we can write a better future that is mutually flourishing for all!
‘As you did it to one of the least of my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.’ – Jesus”